Meet Norma Ali Khan

Meet Norma Ali Khan
An Interview by Fatima Nisar

As a child we all have a lot of dreams. Some dream of becoming a famous and successful person. Others dream of living a certain kind of life. I am sure many of us have dreamed of living an American dream! Luckily for us, one of the NICE Alumni has made that dream come true! Let’s read her story.
Norma Ali Khan, a graduate from the 2009 batch of NICE belongs to a long line of civil engineers. Currently, she is doing masters in Structural Engineering from the University of Houston. She is also among those who received the gold medal for their final year project.
For her, NICE has been a place of great learning. Describing her time in NICE she said “My time at NICE was an eclectic mix of many different experiences, not all of them academic but all of them very enriching. Plus they kind of made my dreams come true”. In U.S. students from all sorts of countries receive higher education and according to Norma the undergraduate studies that she received in NICE are better than most of the people there. This she realized the second time as she has been to a U.S. academic institution before.
She did two internships during her undergraduate courses. These helped in improving her patience level as she had to sit idle for a lot of hours. After her graduation she traveled to U.S. and started job a little later. During this time she received acceptance letters from all the universities she applied to. A big achievement and no doubt one of the talented students NICE has had.

When asked about some tips for the future engineers she said “The future is much brighter for those who want it to be. Sure the market pays low and hires few, but complaining never changes anything. Brush up those CVs!”

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